Store, organise and share all your company’s information in one space. Let us design a tool to integrate all the activities of your company in the cloud, encouraging online collaboration amongst your staff.
Working together is better, although individual work is still highly valued, companies believe that to be competitive you should combine team knowledge. Share Point allows the user to draw the attention of another user in real time through @mentions, a tool that sends you a notification every time another member mentions you directly by adding @ in front of your name.
The world is moving very fast, and companies need to analyse all these unstoppable changes. These changes, day by day, are more complex, however our human skills remain the same. This is why we need external tools to help us analyse this information: Delve is a tool that fulfils all of these purposes.
Freedom to not depend on only one device where all the information is stored. Access to your information anywhere anytime.
Control your data, total security, privacy and encryption. Microsoft does not use your data for any purpose and does not give your data to third parties.
SharePoint on your phone