Help your students to get the best learning results
Students succeed when they have access to a personalised learning method and to tools that unleash their creativity. Office 365 licences are free for schools, you can offer a competitive advantage to your students offering this full pack.
Other tools like Microsoft Booking are very useful to manage lesson reservations for example, this tool is free and very valuable, like many others that will help you to create forms, learning groups, video sharing etc. With Share Point App, teachers and students can self-manage lesson plans, contents and calendars.
This is only a brief summary of all you can do for your students with Office 365. Contact us and we can visit your centre for more detailed information.

Students and teachers can use Office 365 for Education, this tool includes Word, Excel, Power Point, One Note y and now Microsoft Teams, apart from other additional tools for the classroom. Be the first of a new generation of students with Ozein.
24/7 remote technical support, by phone, chat and email. We help you in 10 seconds.

“Since we have been using Office 365 the productivity of the company has significantly increased, saving time, money and efforts, thanks to Ozein helpdesk”